Croissant Bread Beside Bowl and Mug on Table
Beige Paper Texture Background, Kraft Paper for Aesthetic Creative Design
Bowl with Mixer Cooking Tool Isolated Icon

What's Cooking!

Encourage children to plan & cook meals which include variety of healthy option in order to create a balance meal.

Weekly Meal Plan
Mother and Children Cooking Family Meal
Storybook Style Grandparent and Grandchild Making Dumplings


    • Promoting Decision-Making Skills

— Involving them in meal planning helps hone decision-making skills.

— Selecting meals & snacks to help them understand the importance of balanced nutrition.

    • Encourage an Adventurous Palate

— Cooking together encourages children to try new foods & flavours.

— They will become more open-minded to experiment with different nutritious ingredients broadens their culinary palate.

    • Life Skills Development

— Learn basic cooking techniques & food preparation to become more independent.

—It lays the foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits.

Storybook Style Grandmother and Grandson Making Dumplings
Storybook Style Children with Dumplings



    • Food Education

— Provides an opportunity to educate them about different types of foods, nutritional value & how they fit into a balanced diet.

— Explain the importance of choosing fresh fruits & vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins & dairy products.

    • Healthy Meal Planning

— Encourage them to suggest healthy ingredients & meals which promotes family involvement in meal decision-making.

— Make informed choices & evaluate the healthiness of food products.

    • Food Label Reading

— Parents explain the importance of checking ingredients, understanding serving sizes, & being aware of the Nutrition Information Panel (NIP).

— Parents to engage them in choosing between different options, comparing prices & reading food labels.

Grocery Shopping Bag
Woman Buying Groceries from Bulk Bins
Dad Grocery Shopping with Daughter

Dear, Grocery!

Family Doing Shopping in the Grocery Store

Take them on a grocery shopping trip & make shopping list for them to make it more interactive.

  • Take a picture or record a video of your child & post it on our padlet explaining why they chose the food, nutritional benefits.


Beige Paper Texture Background, Kraft Paper for Aesthetic Creative Design


    • Creativity & Variety

— Encourages children to explore different flavours, textures & food combinations.

    • Empowering & Boosting Confidence

— Engaging children in snack preparation empowers them to make their own food choices to become more self-reliant & confident to make nutritious snack.

    • Building Healthy Habits

— Parents can instil healthy habits from an early age by developing a preference for healthier options over processed snacks & sugary treats.

Hand Drawn Healthy Egg Toast

Demonstrate & encourage children to make creative nutritious foods.

  • Children are to bring their healthy snack & 2 student are to engage in a show & tell during Healthy Snack Break.
  • Explaining why they chose the food, nutritional benefits & to share their recipe.
Delicious Healthy Smoothie Cartoon
Cute Colorful Hand-Drawn Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich Breakfast and Snack for Kids

Happy Hour!


workshop concept

Dream Weavers!

Illustration of Stickman Kids and Teacher Teaching Vegetables Salad in Class
School Pencil


    • Awareness of Healthy Eating

— The workshops will help family understand the importance of balanced & nutritious eating habit, which promotes awareness on healthier food choices & portion control.

    • Weight Management

— Address weight related concerns & help children achieve & maintain a healthy weight.

— Learn the importance on energy balance, role of physical activity & impact of food choices.

    • Family Involvement & Support

— A supportive environment where parents can guide & motivate their children to make healthier choices.

School Notebook

Go for interactive workshops to learn more about the importance of nutrition.

  • Engage children in a portion control activity where they learn about appropriate serving sizes through the use of food models.
  • Guide children in planning a balanced & nutritious menu for a week & how to incorporate variety of food groups ino making healthier choices.
  • Conduct cooking demonstrations to show children how to prepare healthy meals.


Beige Paper Texture Background, Kraft Paper for Aesthetic Creative Design
Cartoon Painted Home Cooks Stove Oatmeal

Delicacy Appetit!

Chef kid preparing and tasting healthy food
Picnic Food Design

Create fun challenges for children to try new & healthy foods together in order to modify their taste buds.

  • Parents can set up a food tasting station at home where children & parents can sample variety of healthy food.
  • Parents can create a food tasting charts of different foods.


    • Exploration of New Foods

— Encourages children to try new & unfamiliar foods which help expand their palate & exposes them to wider variety of flavours, textures & cuisines.

    • Overcoming Food Preferences & Picky Eating

— They may develop a more adventurous attitude towards trying new foods in a fun way to understand & address specific food preferences.

    • Social Interaction & Family Bonding

— Food tasting challenges can be fun& interactive activity that creates a shared experience where parents & children can discuss their impressions of different foods, share their preferences & enjoy trying new things together.

Cartoon Painted Home Cooks Tasting Soup



    • Nutritional Education

— Parents to educate children about nutritional benefits of different fruits, vegetables & herbs.

    • Exposure to Variety

— Gardening exposes children to wider variety of fruits & vegetable which expand their taste preferences & encouraging a more nutritious diet.

    • Appreciation for Food Produce

— Learn to recognise the difference in taste, texture & quality between homegrown & store-bought options, making them more inclined to choose fresh, nutrient-rich foods.

Children Pulling Cart Illustration
Children gardening outdoors in spring.
Children Planting Seeds in the Garden
Family with Small Children Gardening on Farm, Growing Organic Vegetables.

Grow Your Gardens!

Growth of Plant, from Sprout to Fruit

Get them involved in planting plant/fruit, watering them & preparing the produce.

  • Organise a salad-making activity using vegetables harvested from the garden - in which children can participate in washing, cutting & assembling the ingredients to create a fresh & nutritious salad.
  • Introduce various herbs grown in the garden & organise tasting session - sample herbs such as basil, mint etc.
  • Share their garden stories & lessons they learned in their class communication channel.
Wooden garden bed with growing cabbage and calendula.


Beige Paper Texture Background, Kraft Paper for Aesthetic Creative Design

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