primary school
What's Cooking!
Encourage children to plan & cook meals which include variety of healthy option in order to create a balance meal.
— Involving them in meal planning helps hone decision-making skills.
— Selecting meals & snacks to help them understand the importance of balanced nutrition.
— Cooking together encourages children to try new foods & flavours.
— They will become more open-minded to experiment with different nutritious ingredients broadens their culinary palate.
— Learn basic cooking techniques & food preparation to become more independent.
—It lays the foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits.
— Provides an opportunity to educate them about different types of foods, nutritional value & how they fit into a balanced diet.
— Explain the importance of choosing fresh fruits & vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins & dairy products.
— Encourage them to suggest healthy ingredients & meals which promotes family involvement in meal decision-making.
— Make informed choices & evaluate the healthiness of food products.
— Parents explain the importance of checking ingredients, understanding serving sizes, & being aware of the Nutrition Information Panel (NIP).
— Parents to engage them in choosing between different options, comparing prices & reading food labels.
Dear, Grocery!
Take them on a grocery shopping trip & make shopping list for them to make it more interactive.
— Encourages children to explore different flavours, textures & food combinations.
— Engaging children in snack preparation empowers them to make their own food choices to become more self-reliant & confident to make nutritious snack.
— Parents can instil healthy habits from an early age by developing a preference for healthier options over processed snacks & sugary treats.
Demonstrate & encourage children to make creative nutritious foods.
Happy Hour!
Dream Weavers!
— The workshops will help family understand the importance of balanced & nutritious eating habit, which promotes awareness on healthier food choices & portion control.
— Address weight related concerns & help children achieve & maintain a healthy weight.
— Learn the importance on energy balance, role of physical activity & impact of food choices.
— A supportive environment where parents can guide & motivate their children to make healthier choices.
Go for interactive workshops to learn more about the importance of nutrition.
Delicacy Appetit!
Create fun challenges for children to try new & healthy foods together in order to modify their taste buds.
— Encourages children to try new & unfamiliar foods which help expand their palate & exposes them to wider variety of flavours, textures & cuisines.
— They may develop a more adventurous attitude towards trying new foods in a fun way to understand & address specific food preferences.
— Food tasting challenges can be fun& interactive activity that creates a shared experience where parents & children can discuss their impressions of different foods, share their preferences & enjoy trying new things together.
— Parents to educate children about nutritional benefits of different fruits, vegetables & herbs.
— Gardening exposes children to wider variety of fruits & vegetable which expand their taste preferences & encouraging a more nutritious diet.
— Learn to recognise the difference in taste, texture & quality between homegrown & store-bought options, making them more inclined to choose fresh, nutrient-rich foods.
Grow Your Gardens!
Get them involved in planting plant/fruit, watering them & preparing the produce.